Advisors of Planta Europa
•Mr. Jan Willem Sneep, The Netherlands, expert European Diploma / Council of Europe
•Mr. Torleif Ingelog, Sweden - ArtDAtabanken - Swedish Species Information Centre
•Mr. Eladio Fernandez-Galiano, France - Head of Democratic Initiatives Department at the Directorate of Democratic Governance / Council of Europe
•Mr. Peter Skoberne, Slovenia - Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning
•Mr. Emilio Laguna-Lumbreras, Spain - Generalitat Valenciana
•Ms. Galina Pronkina, Russia - IUCN CIS Office
•Mr. François Boillot, France - Conservatoire Botanique Nationale Mediterrannean de Porquerolles
•Mr. Handrij Härtel, Czech Republic - Bohemian Switzerland National Park
•Mr. Claudia Perini, Italy - European Council for the Conservation of Fungi (ECCF) - University of Siena
•Ms. Elizabeth Radford, UK
•Mr. Tomas Hallingback, Sweden – ArtDAtabanken - Swedish Species Information Centre, Uppsala
•Mr. Antoni Aguilella, Spain - Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia, Valencia

Steering committee of Planta Europa at work (2017- 2020)
Chair of Planta Europa
Dr. Erika Pénzesné Kónya, Eger (Hungary) -Department of Botany and Plant Physiology Eszterházy Károly University -konya.erika_uni-eszterhazy.hu
Vice chairman of Planta Europa: Mr. Philippe Bardin, Paris (France) – Responsable Pôle Conservation
Point Focal Stratégie Mondiale de Conservation des Plantes
Fédération des Conservatoires Botaniques Nationaux / National Museum of Natural History - bardin_mnhn.fr -
Direction et Secrétariat réseau Planta Europa
PE Steering Committee members:
Dr. Lucas Andrianos, Heraklion (Greece) - Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IMBB), Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas - lucas_andrianos_imbb.forth.gr
Dr. Costantino Bonomi, Trento (Italy) – Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali - costantino.bonomi_muse.it
Dr. Thomas Hövelmann, Muenster (Germany) - Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union - t.hoevelmann_nabu-station.de
•Dr. Eleni Maloupa, Thessaloniki (Greece) - Balkan Botanic Garden of Kroussia - maloupa_bbgk.gr
•Dr. Michela Marignani, Cagliari (Italy) - University of Cagliari - marignani@unica.it
•Dr. Oleg Maslovsky, Minsk (Belarus) – V.F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Belarus - oleg.maslovsky_tut.by
•Prof., Dr. Zbigniew Mirek, Krakow (Poland) - W. Szafer Institute of Botany, Polish Academy of Sciences - z.mirek_botany.pl
•Dr. Baudewijn Odé, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) - University of Nijmegen; Ravon/Floron - ode_floron.nl

Planta Europa is the network of independent organisations and private persons working together to conserve European wild plants and fungi.
The Conservatoire botanique national du Bassin parisien (National Museum of Natural History, Paris - FRANCE-) provides the PE secretariat.