See the most important steps and events of the network:
1993: Plantlife (UK) makes a proposal to the Bern Convention Plant Expert Meeting (Council of Europe) for a conference to discuss pan-European collaboration for plant conservation.
1995: The French Ministry of Environment hosts the 1st Planta Europa Conference in Hyères, France. This conference brought together plant conservation experts from throughout Europe for the first time ever. Hundreds of experts gather to discuss the directions and joint goals for plant conservation across Europe.
1998: The Swedish Species Information Centre hosts the 2nd Planta Europa Conference in Uppsala, Sweden.
2000: Planta Europa becomes the European programme of Plantlife International The Planta Europa constitution is finalised.
2001: The Czech Agency for Nature Conservation hosts the 3rd Planta Europa Conference in Pruhonice, Czech Republic. At this Conference, the Network mobilised its plant conservation expertise to develop a master plan with concrete targets to halt the loss of plant diversity in Europe by 2007. The outcome of this conference was the European Plant Conservation Strategy (EPCS). The 42 targets of the EPCS are specific, measurable, realistic, achievable and time bound.
2001: Adoption of Recommendation no 87 (2001) on the European Plant Conservation Strategy, by the Standing Committee (Parties/European countries) of the Convention of the Conservation of the European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention / Council of Europe), on 30 November 2001.
2002: The EPCS is endorsed by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) as part of and a contribution to the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC).
2004: Generalidat Valenciana and Botanic Garden of the University of Valencia host the 4th Planta Europa Conference in Valencia, Spain. A mid-term review of the EPCS was undertaken at the 4th Planta Europa Conference. 250 member and partner representatives found that the steps forward are promising. Over 50% of the targets are progressing well and two are already implemented. Another outcome of the 4th Planta Europa Conference was the development of an action plan, the Critical Targets, describing the most crucial and minimum contribution of the Planta Europa Network to the delivery of plant conservation in Europe in 2007. The Critical Targets and the Mid-term Review will act as the main indicators of success for the Planta Europa Network at the next conference in 2007.
2004/2005: The Mid-term review of the EPCS reveals good progress. Two targets have been completed, and many others are well underway. Planta Europa determines seven Critical Targets as a contribution of the Network towards the full implementation of the EPCS.
2007: The Association of Romanian Botanic Gardens, the local University Babes Bolyai and the Botanic Garden "Al Borza" hosted the 5th Planta Europa Conference in Cluj Napoca, Romania. The theme of the conference was "Working together for plants". Based on the outcome of this conference a renewed version of the European Strategy for Plant Conservation is developed.
2008: Publication of the European Strategy for Plant Conservation 2008-2014.
2008: Adoption of Recommendation no 138 (2008) on the European Strategy for Plant Conservation 2008-2014, by the Standing Committee (Parties/European countries) of the Convention of the Conservation of the European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention / Council of Europe), on 27 November 2008
2009: The Planta Europa Foundation is established in the Hague (The Netherlands). The Planta Europa Foundation takes over the Planta Europa Secretariat from Plantlife International (UK).
2010: Declaration of Crete International Conference on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Wild Plant Diversity Orthodox Academy of Crete, 5-8 May 2010
2011: The Polish Academy of Sciences and the W.Szafer Institute of Botany host the 6th Planta Europa Conference in Krakow (Poland). The outcome of this conference is the “Declaration of Krakow”.
2012/2013: The Planta Europa website is updated.
2014: From 1 January 2014 the Swedish Species Information Centre hosts the PE Secretariat. The financial aspects and bankaccount will still continued by the Planta Europa Foundation in the Netherlands. The Orthodox Academy of Crete hosted the 7th Planta Europa Conference in Kolympari, Chania, Crete (Greece) on 21-25 May, 2014
2017: The end of Planta Europa Foundation (Planta Europa Network is still an alive Network!)
2017 : The 8th Planta Europa conference “Save Plants for Earth’s Future” takes place in Kyiv, Ukraine in May 22-26, 2017. Host organisations is the O.V. Fomin Botanical Garden of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, M.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and M.M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
2017 : The outcome of the Planta Europa Conference in Kyiv, the Kyiv Declaration was published.
2019.: New constitution of Planta Europa.
2020: The Review of European progress towards the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation has been done by Planta Europa and Plantlife
2022 Planta Europa took part in the IXth EUROGARD conference in Budapest
2023 Planta Europa was among the observer organisations of making the Strategic Plan 2020-2o30 of Bern Convention